Project & Programme Evaluation
We design and implement Theory-based, Impact, Counterfactual-based, Strategic plan, and Meta-evaluations using the most suitable methodology to meet our client’s needs
Applied Research (Baseline & Feasibility Studies)
FIFE conducts scientific and interdisciplinary research on different topics and themes relating to education, health, development, sustainable livelihoods, food security, gender, climate change, migration, and human rights.
Training and Capacity Building
We provide capacity training on project planning/management, monitoring and evaluation and intercultural competence to project/programme managers and staff of CSOs, NGOs, INGOs, community organisations and cooperate bodies.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Systems Support
Our MEAL system supports include conducting a situation analysis, facilitating the project’s theory of change clarification processes, and designing a tailored MEAL framework that suits our client’s project and organisational context.
Strategic and Project Planning Consulting
Successful projects begins with investing time and efforts on the front end of the project. Our approach to project planing is scientific and research based and takes into account local contextual considerations, building on our team’s regional and technical expertise.