Project Name:

Strengthening Equity, Access and Quality in Education in Sahel (SEAQE Sahel)

Mali and Niger
ADRA Norway
Project type:
Final Evaluation
Technical area:


The Strengthening Equity, Access and Quality in Education in the Sahel (SEAQE Sahel) is an education and development project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and implemented between October 2017 and December 2021 by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) offices in Mali and Niger with support and overall programme coordination from ADRA, Norway. The project aimed to increase educational opportunities for all children, including children with disabilities and poor and marginalized children. Friedensau Institute for Evaluation (FIFE) conducted the final evaluation of the SEAQE Sahel project by assessing the impact of the SEAQE Sahel project in 43primary schools in Mali (23) and Niger (20) and two secondary schools in Mali on implementation processes, the impact of the intervention, achievements of the intervention logic and indicators, and lessons learnt. The evaluation used a mixed-method approach made up of Key Informants Interviews (KII), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and questionnaires to collect data from students, teachers, parents/PTA associations, head teachers, education officials, community leaders, other NGOs in the intervention areas and ADRA Mali and ADRA Niger staff.